Thursday, 1 May 2014

New research article on crowdsourcing and live concert films (free access)

In this new article of mine, I discuss various aspects of crowdsourcing in relation to music and technology - the focus is on live concert films. It is a companion piece of sorts with one from a few years ago on Nine Inch Nails (which has successfully found its way onto Wikipedia...) and the profitable distribution methods used from building up a connection with his fanbase.

Between them, the more positive impact of the digital revolution on music listening becomes apparent, reviewing how musicians are better equipped to engage with their fans by making the most of the internet as a mass communication tool.

The new paper also demonstrates that for at least some music fans, there is a desire to engage with music in creative ways by uploading video clips from concerts and remix songs, etc. In doing so, it shows that music listening is not necessarily becoming more passive, as is often claimed amongst scholars. Proposing that there is an economic rationale for encouraging this, the paper invites speculation on more relaxed copyright laws in the future.

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Brown, S.C. (2014). 'With a little help from my friends': Peer production and the changing face of the live album. International Journal of Music Business Research, 3(1), 52-66.

Brown, S.C. (2011). Artist autonomy in a digital era: The case of Nine Inch Nails. Empirical Musicology Review, 6(4), 198-213.

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for your comment. Bookmarked both links and will check them out next week. Not heard of the website. I'm new to 'crowdsourcing' but it looks like I have picked the right keywords - had lot of people getting in touch in different ways who I don't know. Looks like the email subscribe link is damaged on the blog (overdue a major revamp) or I would have said to subscribe - more content in this vein scheduled for later in the year. Thanks again, Steve.
