Wednesday, 16 January 2013

(More) Special issues of major Journals dedicated to research on music piracy

Happy new year, dear reader.

In keeping with looking forward, let us first of all look back.

Further to Octobers entry on Special Editions of major Journals being committed to piracy and the digital revolution, find below links to two other such instances in the Journal 'Information Economics and Policy'.

Special issue: Digital Piracy, from December 2010


The economics of Digital Media Markets, from March 2012

Between them, you have 20 articles on topics related to the content discussed on musicpiracyresearchblog, with an emphasis on looking ahead to future trends. DRM protections, sales displacement, demand for live music.. it's all in there.

Also keep your eyes peeled for a special edition of the Journal Convergence next month titled: "Consuming the ‘Illegal’: Situating Online Piracy in Everyday Experience".

As mentioned previously, the presence of such editions is a testament to the interest in the topic amongst active researchers in different disciplines.

Occasional Tweets between sneezing @musicpiracyblog

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