Monday, 5 January 2015

Recommended journals #1: Popular Music Studies

Another year, another occasional series to add to the list.

We have had recommended books over the years and more recently a recap of key scholars involved in digital piracy research from different disciplines; in more recent months I have also set the ball rolling with in depth disscussion of my own contributions in the form of my 'anatomy of an article' series.

Now it's time to go a step further.

The ultimate goal of this blog is to arm readers with the tools to do their own detective work on music piracy and related topics to make up their own minds. Often this has come in the form of a simple link here and there.

The next logical step is to recommend particular journals to explore on your own and this is the subject of this blog entry, where I list a few journals of interest which I believe will be of interest to my readership.

Popular Music is a discipline in its own right and the articles you will find in Popular Music journals are suitably diverse, often situated in what you might consider a broader world of Cultural Studies, with some Sociology and Politics in there. Some recommended journals which I have referenced throughout the years include:

Popular Music
Rock Music Studies
Popular Music and Society

These are distinct from Music Psychology journals, which I will post about in due course.

In the three journals above (and I will try and keep it limited to three in the future as well) you will find yourself immersed in a world of music who goes way beyond the scope of this humble blog - strap yourself in. As well as articles which typically avoid statistics or any fuzzy methods, you will find book reviews and special issues dedicated to particular topics.

You cant lose.

Often, articles are free to access (especially with themed issues), but if you're struggling to access particular papers, have a good search for the article name and the authors online as you might find earlier versions lingering on institutional or personal websites: check out my Resources page for further help on this.

Meet n' Tweet @musicpiracyblog


  1. Might just be me but all 3 journal links direct to the same site (Cambridge's Popular Music)

    1. Fixed! Good old fashioned human error there. Good to see good old fashioned help to get stuff fixed as well - I appreciate the comment. Cheers!
