Further to a recent entry detailing some prominent Economists research digital piracy, this entry collates some more big names for you to look up online. These guys are Criminologists, and when added to the previous lists of Economists, you have yourselves a hit list of the most prolific researchers on digital piracy in the academic world; there's a skew towards these two disciplines in the literature.
George E Higgins
Sameer Hinduja
Tom Holt
Catherine Marcum
Jason Ingram
Scott E Wolfe
A simple cut and paste job should spawn research articles galore on personal websites, institution web pages, and other sources such as Academia.edu etc. Authors often have personal copies of their articles which they can share, upon request - there's no harm in asking. There are a few books from these guys, so have a look online for some second hand books (they can be costly).
Often collaborating together, there are a few key journals where you will routinely find some of these individual scholars. One of which, is the International Journal of Cyber Criminology which is open access, meaning you can download all of the contents for free, legally.
George E Higgins
Sameer Hinduja
Tom Holt
Catherine Marcum
Jason Ingram
Scott E Wolfe
A simple cut and paste job should spawn research articles galore on personal websites, institution web pages, and other sources such as Academia.edu etc. Authors often have personal copies of their articles which they can share, upon request - there's no harm in asking. There are a few books from these guys, so have a look online for some second hand books (they can be costly).
Often collaborating together, there are a few key journals where you will routinely find some of these individual scholars. One of which, is the International Journal of Cyber Criminology which is open access, meaning you can download all of the contents for free, legally.
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