Tuesday, 21 January 2014

[Call for papers] 'How to monetize music in the digital age?': Conference announcement in Vienna in Oct '14

The 5th Vienna Music Business Research Days Conference will take place this October. Please find the call for papers here.

Privileged to have been there last summer, it's a rare event that pulls together not only academics and students, but business owners and figures representing the views of the music industry in the broadest possible sense. In other words, it's a rich environment for discussion and debate.

Vienna is also amazing.

The programme for this year looks promising, including a visit to Bratislava (Slovakia); all part of the modest conference fee.

Not sure if I can make it yet, but I have to say I am pleased it has shifted from summer to autumn. Turns out Austria is kinda warm during the summer!

Meet n' Tweet @musicpiracyblog

Friday, 17 January 2014

What about TV piracy?


Much research into digital piracy has focused on music, the most pirated form of media (for various reasons, including music files being easily transferred online).

There has also been a lot of research into film, software, and in more recent years, digital books (more on that in a future blog entry). Largely neglected is TV.

That is to say, except for Newman's paper 'Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television' from 2012.

Notably, and in support of research into film, Newman suggests the delay in new shows in different countries encourages TV piracy. Avoiding spoilers thesedays is incredibly difficult. I know I've been stung (think: Walter White...).

One of the few articles to specifically focus on TV piracy, the article goes into a lot of detail.

Check it out.

Tweetadelica @musicpiracyblog


Newman, M.Z. (2012). Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television. Television and New Media, 13(6), 463-479.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Another call for critical thinking: Who funds research on digital piracy?

Never even heard of the website where this article is hosted, but then again, Twitter is a fantastic news resource for digital piracy (find me @musicpiracyblog).

In his article 'Inside the confusing, contradictory world of Internet piracy studies', Kevin Collier ponders the attention which must be paid to who funds research on digital piracy research, touching upon other related points in the process.

It's a welcome article which further illustrates a recurring theme on this blog to pay more attention to the claims made in studies more generally and not simply seek out papers which agree with your opinions and discard those which do not.

Check it out.

Tweetaulogy @musicpiracyblog